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"White Noise' is a series of paintings that begin with bold color ground, over-painted with heavy impasto whites and incised with gesture, hatch marks and illegible editorial and journaling, akin to long form grafitti, combining to illustrate a crumbled sense of time, thoughts and events.
"White Noise' is a series of paintings that begin with bold color ground, over-painted with heavy impasto whites and incised with gesture, hatch marks and illegible editorial and journaling, akin to long form grafitti, combining to illustrate a crumbled sense of time, thoughts and events.
Rules of Order
Oil on Canvas, 20" x 16", 2017
Headlines "Get Out Now" re: DACA
20" x 16", Oil on Canvas, 2017
Black, White and Red All Over
20" x 16", Oil on Canvas, 2017
Black, White and Red All Over #2, 2017
Oil on Canvas, 20” x 16”
Vicissitues of Love
Oil on Canvas 20" x 16", 2017
20" x 16" Oil on Canvas, 2017
Letter to My Seventeen Year Old
12' x 9" Oil on Hardboard, 2017
The Person in Our Midst is Me
12" x 9", Oil on Hardboard, 2017